RLP out in the World

RLP out in the World
Caye Caulker, Belize

Rural Literacy Project


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well what is it, shaving cream or a hair gel?

Is it a hair gel or is it a shaving cream? It's two, two, two things in one. Why, how and what am I thinking using the old, jar of men's shaving cream that I found under the desk in my classroom as a hair gel. I guess I am just ahead of my time. And we all know how important style and my hair has always been. Well it is sort of,,at least it is really annoying when it sticks out and falls across my forehead in what I like to call 'my pope hairdo..' So I figured it could not look any worse and started using old shaving cream

It's foamy, it while, it's in a can and I dunno, but it's worked. Sort of. I do get a bit anxious though, wondering what this world, made up of mostly 20 something year old teachers, will imagine when I smell like their grandfathers upon entering the school in the morning. Or worse, if I get caught by any of my 3 young housemates. It's like sneaking chocolate, or sips of alcohol or or or no, its worse, I am using shaving cream, from an old rusted can as a styling statement.

You have to love travel!

Fashion statement, I looked down at my sandals today on my way home, then I stopped and really looked. I have a pair of fake leather $8 shoes on, which could be fine, except I would normally scorn fake leather. But these particular fake leather shoes had some really awful, old ladyish (no, 54 is not old lady time) elastic that went around behind the ankle. This was beyond my limits. Early on I cut this out and began replacing it with a variety of attempted modifications. Since none seemed to work well, I cut the straps back towards the side pieces and left them flapping. Hmmmm another fashion statement.

Again, I think, you have to love travel!

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